Report reveals renewable energy’s key role in Africa’s food security future

Africa is undergoing an unprecedented demographic shift, with its population projected to increase 63% by 2050. This rapid growth intensifies the urgent need for resilient and efficient food systems capable of not only feeding the continent but also driving economic prosperity. With 65% of the world’s uncultivated arable land, a youthful workforce, and abundant water resources, Africa holds remarkable potential to transform its agricultural productivity and bolster food security. Yet, realizing this potential is no small feat, as farmers face a range of challenges, from unpredictable climate patterns and dependence on rain-fed crops to significant post-harvest losses.
A new report, Cultivating opportunities in Africa: Powering agricultural productivity through renewable energy integration, published by the Powering Renewable Energy Opportunities (PREO) program, outlines a promising pathway to address these challenges through the wider adoption of Productive Use of Renewable Energy (PURE) solutions.
The report highlights how solar-powered equipment, such as water pumps, cold storage, mechanization and processing tools, can radically enhance productivity, reduce spoilage and strengthen the resilience of food systems against future shocks. Since 2019, PREO, funded by UK aid through the Transforming Energy Access platform and the IKEA Foundation, and delivered by the Carbon Trust and Energy 4 Impact, has provided catalytic funding for PURE-driven solutions, fostering business models that empower farmers, increase incomes, and enhance climate resilience.
The report features five pioneering companies – Simusolar, Good Nature Agro, Heifer International, Koolboks, and SokoFresh – that are leveraging PURE technologies to redefine agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. These innovators tackle critical issues ranging from financing and market access to technical support and awareness, paving the way for scalable, locally tailored solutions that directly benefit farmers.
For example, Heifer International has introduced a lease-to-own plan for dairy cooperatives, enabling low-income farmers to access solar-powered cooling solutions without upfront costs, reducing post-harvest losses and increasing their incomes. Meanwhile, SokoFresh offers a ‘one-stop shop’ solution combining renewable energy-powered cold storage with access to reliable buyers, such as food processors and retailers, thereby reducing spoilage, improving market access and farmer incomes.
Despite the progress, significant barriers to widespread adoption remain. The report highlights key challenges, including the high costs of PURE technologies, limited access to financing, and fragmented policy frameworks. Overcoming these issues will require targeted investments in innovative business models and policy reforms to ensure PURE solutions are accessible to smallholder farmers.
As global demand for food continues to rise, Africa’s agricultural sector has the potential to become a pillar of global food security. PREO’s report calls on investors, policymakers, and industry leaders to act decisively. With the right support, Africa can unlock its vast agricultural potential, fostering resilience and prosperity for future generations.
Download the report from the PREO website
For further insights and to hear from the sector experts and companies, watch PREO’s webinar Cultivating Opportunities in Africa: Powering Agricultural Productivity Through Renewable Energy Integration.